A downloadable game

This is demo version (not even a demo) that submitted to CFN Halloween Jam 2

1.0 Release version is here => https://xskey.itch.io/nightmare-of-game-development

You can no longer download demo version anymore. (If you want to know what demo actually is, just see the video below.)

You are a game developer. Hope to finish the deadline but it's too late. Enjoy what is suppose to be the game. (Now, it's not even a game.)

Thing you can do:

1.Walking around enjoy the unfinished game while laughing at the nightmare of developer.

2.Interactive with little white cube, floppy disk and old pc.

P.S. Try to not drop the floppy disk.

3. You can play a little game on pc but hey! That's just a joke. (When you move character on pc screen will move too. So, please make sure that he's not out of the screen, In this case, you need to move him back to the screen.)

See the video: 


WADS : Move
Mouse: Rotate View
Left Mouse: Pick up somethings
Spacebar: Use PC

Notice: If you fall of the room, please close the game and restart. There is no way back.

TLDR; It's my nightmare!!!! I can't finish my game. And it's your nightmare if you try to download this game. 

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